15 Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workouts for Upper Body Fitness

Feb 25, 2024by Chris Pruitt , Certified ASFA Personal Trainer

We understand the struggles many face in achieving their desired toned upper body.

The challenge of finding effective workouts that genuinely deliver results can be frustrating.

That's why we've developed a guide of chest and triceps workouts you can use with any dumbbell set, that is tailored to overcome these obstacles.

This guide introduces 15 targeted dumbbell exercises meticulously selected to enhance your strength, improve stability, and transform your appearance.

Ready to journey to a stronger, more sculpted upper body with us?

Dumbbell Exercise

    Understanding the Muscles: Chest and Triceps

    Chest and triceps dumbbell exercises are all about targeting the right muscles.

    Your chest, or pectoral muscles, are large and powerful, responsible for moving your shoulder joints.

    The triceps at the back of your upper arm are key for elbow extension and arm straightening.

    Training these muscles isn't just for looks. It's about boosting your overall upper body strength and functionality.

    A strong chest and triceps can enhance your performance in various physical activities and sports.

    Besides dumbbells, incorporating exercises like bench presses into your routine can effectively target these muscles. (1)

    A study even highlights the bench press as an effective exercise for enhancing upper body strength. (2)

    musculoskeletal diagram of pectoralis and triceps

    The Benefits of Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workouts

    Chest and triceps workouts offer a myriad of benefits.

    They help sculpt your upper body and contribute to improved strength, better posture, and enhanced athletic performance.

    A strong chest and triceps can make everyday tasks easier, from lifting heavy objects to throwing a ball.

    Moreover, these workouts can help correct posture issues, reducing the risk of back pain and injuries.

    Dumbbells are versatile and convenient, perfect for home workouts. They allow for a variety of exercises and improved muscle activation.

    A study shows that muscle hypertrophy can be achieved across a spectrum of loading ranges, making dumbbells ideal for low- and high-load training. (3)

    Ready to reap these benefits?

    15 Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workouts

    1) Dumbbell Chest Press

    Description & How-to: This classic exercise targets your chest, triceps, and shoulders. Lie on a flat bench holding dumbbells at chest level. Push them until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down. Ensure your back is flat against the bench, and avoid locking your elbows at the top.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your feet flat on the floor to maintain stability.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid lifting your back off the bench during the exercise. This can lead to improper form and potential injury.

    2) Incline Dumbbell Press

    Description & How-to: Similar to the chest press, but performed on an incline bench. This variation targets the upper chest and shoulders more. Keep your feet flat on the ground and press the weights straight up, not towards your face.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your wrists straight to avoid strain.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid using your hips to push the weights up. This can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

    3) Decline Dumbbell Press

    Description & How-to: This is the opposite of the incline press performed on a decline bench. It targets the lower chest and triceps. Ensure your feet are securely hooked under the foot pads, and press the weights straight up.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your elbows close to your body to maximize triceps engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting the dumbbells drift too far down. This can strain your shoulders and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

    4) Dumbbell Fly

    Description & How-to: This exercise isolates the chest muscles. With arms slightly bent, lower the dumbbells out to the sides, then bring them back together. Keep your elbows slightly bent to avoid strain.

    Trainer's Tips: Imagine hugging a large tree to get the form right.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid bending your elbows too much, which can turn the exercise into a press and reduce its effectiveness.

    5) Dumbbell Pullover

    Description & How-to: This targets the chest and lats. Lie perpendicular to the bench, holding a dumbbell with both hands. Lower it behind your head, then lift it back up. Keep your hips low and avoid bending your elbows.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your arms straight but not locked to engage the lats properly.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid lifting your hips, which can strain your back.

    6) Close Grip Dumbbell Press

    Description & How-to: This targets the triceps. Hold the dumbbells above your chest, lower them towards your chest, and press back up. Keep your elbows close to your body throughout.

    Trainer's Tips: Squeeze the dumbbells together to engage the chest.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid flaring your elbows out, which can strain your shoulders.

    7) Dumbbell Skull Crushers

    Description & How-to: This triceps exercise involves lowering dumbbells towards your forehead while lying on a bench, then pressing them back up. Keep your elbows stationary, and avoid using your shoulders to lift the weights.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your elbows pointing forward, not out to the sides.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting the dumbbells drift too far back, which can strain your shoulders.

    8) Dumbbell Kickbacks

    Description & How-to: This triceps exercise involves bending over, keeping your upper arms stationary, and extending your forearms back with the dumbbells. Keep your back straight and avoid swinging the weights.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your upper arms still to isolate the triceps.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid using momentum to lift weights, which can reduce effectiveness.

    9) Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Description & How-to: Hold a dumbbell with both hands above your head, lower it behind your head, then extend your arms to lift it back up. Keep your elbows close to your head, and avoid arching your back.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your elbows close to your head to maximize triceps engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting your elbows flare out, which can strain your shoulders.

    10) Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Description & How-to: This is the same as the previous exercise, but performed one arm at a time. Keep your other hand on your hip for balance, and avoid leaning to one side.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your core engaged to maintain balance.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting your elbow drift away from your head, which can reduce effectiveness.

    11) Dumbbell Larsen Press

    Description & How-to: This exercise targets your chest and triceps. Lie on a flat bench holding dumbbells at chest level. Push them up until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your feet in the air to increase core engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid arching your back, which can lead to injury.

    12) Dumbbell Floor Press

    Description & How-to: Similar to the chest press, but performed on the floor. This variation limits the range of motion, increasing triceps engagement. Keep your feet flat on the ground and press the weights straight up, not towards your face.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your elbows close to your body to maximize triceps engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid lifting your back off the floor during the exercise.

    13) Dumbbell Hammer Press

    Description & How-to: This variation of the chest press is performed with the dumbbells held in a neutral grip. It targets the chest and triceps. Ensure your feet are securely hooked under the foot pads, and press the weights straight up.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your wrists straight to avoid strain.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting the dumbbells drift too far down, which can strain your shoulders.

    14) Dumbbell Around the Worlds

    Description & How-to: This exercise isolates the chest muscles. Start with the dumbbells above your chest, then lower them in a circular motion to the sides and bring them back together. Keep your elbows slightly bent to avoid strain.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your movements slow and controlled to maximize muscle engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid lifting your back off the bench, which can reduce effectiveness.

    15) Dumbbell Tricep Pushups

    Description & How-to: This targets the triceps. Start in a pushup position with your hands holding the dumbbells under your shoulders. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor, then push back up.

    Trainer's Tips: Keep your elbows close to your body to maximize triceps engagement.

    Common Mistakes: Avoid letting your hips sag, which can strain your lower back.

    Table: Overview of Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workouts

    Exercise Primary Muscles Targeted Key Benefit
    1. Dumbbell Chest Press Chest, Triceps, Shoulders Builds mass and strength in the upper body.
    2. Incline Dumbbell Press Upper Chest, Shoulders It targets the upper chest and allows for a greater range of motion.

    3. Decline Dumbbell Press

    Lower chest, Triceps It targets the Lower chest and allows for a greater range of motion.
    4. Dumbbell Fly Chest Isolates the chest muscles and works them from a different angle.
    5. Dumbbell Pullover Chest, Lats Targets both chest and back, working for multiple muscle groups at once.

    6. Close Grip Dumbbell Press

    Chest, Triceps This exercise targets the triceps and chest by narrowing the grip width on the barbell.

    7. Dumbbell Skull Crushers

    Triceps Skull crushers can help build an impressive pair of arms while improving your upper-body strength. They also contribute to healthier elbows and bigger arms.

    8. Dumbbell Kickbacks

    Triceps This triceps exercise is excellent for isolating the triceps and working them through a full range of motion.
    9. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension Triceps This exercise targets the triceps, particularly the long head, which is often underworked in other triceps exercises.

    10. Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    Triceps Similar to the overhead tricep extension, this exercise is performed one arm at a time, allowing for focused work on each tricep individually.

    11. Dumbbell Larsen Press

    Chest, Triceps This exercise is a variation of the bench press that eliminates leg drive, forcing the upper body muscles to do all the work.

    12. Dumbbell Floor Press

    Chest, Triceps, Shoulders This exercise is a variation of the bench press performed on the floor. It limits the range of motion, which can increase triceps engagement and reduce strain on the shoulders.

    13. Dumbbell Hammer Press

    Chest and Triceps This chest press variation is performed with a neutral grip, which can help target different muscle fibers in the chest and triceps.

    14. Dumbbell Around the Worlds

    Chest and Triceps This exercise is a great way to target the chest from different angles.
    15. Dumbbell Tricep Pushups Triceps

    Isolates the triceps and can be done without any equipment

    Proper form is crucial in these exercises to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness. Always consult with a fitness professional if you need clarification on any exercise.

    Dumbbell Curls


    Is it reasonable to work the chest and triceps together?

    Absolutely! Working the chest and triceps together can be highly effective, as many chest exercises also engage the triceps.

    This allows for a comprehensive upper body workout, saving time and boosting efficiency.

    How many chest and tricep workouts should I do?

    The number of workouts depends on your fitness level and goals. Generally, 2-3 times a week is recommended for beginners, with at least one rest day in between.

    Can you build triceps with dumbbells?

    Yes, dumbbells are an excellent tool for building triceps. They allow for a full range of motion and help isolate the triceps, leading to effective muscle growth and strength gains.

    Can I work the chest with dumbbells?

    Definitely! Dumbbells are versatile and can be used for a variety of chest exercises.

    They allow for a greater range of motion than barbells, leading to increased muscle activation and growth.


    As we've explored the dynamic world of chest and triceps dumbbell exercises, it's clear that the journey to a stronger, more defined upper body is within your grasp.

    These exercises are designed to challenge you and propel you towards your fitness aspirations. 

    The key to unlocking your full potential lies in the quality of the tools you use. We invite you to consider our range of premium dumbbells or home adjustable dumbbells,  meticulously crafted to support your every lift, press, and extension.

    Asian man flexing chest muscles



    1. Science.gov. (2023). Bench Press Exercises. Retrieved from https://www.science.gov/topicpages/b/bench+press+exercises
    2. Farias DA, et al.: Maximal Strength Performance and Muscle Activation for the Bench Press and Triceps Extension Exercises Adopting Dumbbell, Barbell, and Machine Modalities Over Multiple Sets.
    3. Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations Between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

    Chris Pruitt

    Certified ASFA Personal Trainer

    Chris Pruitt has over 16 years of experience in the fitness industry, with a strong focus on gym equipment and fitness trends. Dedicated to advancing the industry through quality and safety, Chris, a certified Personal Trainer, blends his extensive practical experience with a deep understanding of gym technology to improve the workout experience for everyone.

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