Week 4 - Day 6 | Full Body HIIT

Jul 8, 2024by Chris Pruitt


  • 1 min jumping jacks
  • 10 arm circles (forward and backward)
  • 10 leg swings (front to back, side to side)
  • 10 torso rotations


HIIT - 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest, 15 rounds of each exercise below:

  1. Dumbbell Man Makers
  2. High Knees
  3. Dumbbell Snatch
  4. Dumbbell Plank Jacks
  5. Dumbbell Lunge to Twist
  6. Jump Rope

Extra Work

  • 2 sets of 20 Russian twists
  • 2 sets of 20 mountain climbers


  • Standing Forward Fold: 1 minute
  • Standing Side Bend: 30 seconds each side
  • Reclined Bound Angle Pose: 1 minute
  • Corpse Pose: 2 minutes